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Скорбная новость:

6-го мая 2005 года, в Москве, на 83-ем году жизни скончался ветеран 5-го Гвардейского авиаполка БАЕВСКИЙ ГЕОРГИЙ АРТУРОВИЧ. Заслуженный, достойнейший, умный и скромный человек, он не дожил всего несколько дней до юбилея Победы. Вечная память ушедшему герою... ____________________________________________

6th May of 2005, in Moscow, on 83-rd year of life it passed away the veteran of the 5th guard air regiment BAYEVSKIY GEORGIY ARTUROVICH. The deserved, most deserving, clever and modest person, it did not live a total of several days before the anniversary of victory. Eternal memory to the departed hero...


12 March 2005  Virtual Eastern Front 3 Beta coming soon!
Watch for official news here:
Don`t miss a start of most historical authentically online war!

08 March 2005  Old site of 5GvIAP back online
Due some difficulties domain no long work. We decided to establish new squad site here, with using old pages which were courtesed by Leonid. In near future site will be updated with new content and changed design. Stay tuned!

22 February 2003  5th Guards Fighter Air Regiment active again
The unit renowned by Charnota and Sokol (new CO and XO respectivelly)

14 April 2002  5th Guards Fighter Air Regiment was disbanded

16 February 2002  5th Guards join VEF
The unit has begun in earnest its career within the Il-2 online campaign series developed by Murdock & Starshoy. After making a few false steps with a couple variations for an online campaign series for Il-2, the 5th Guards has placed itself firmly within this latest development, VEF 1.0.

22 August 2001  One of Our Own Wins the Il2 Championship In Moscow!
VikS, a pilot in No.2 Eskadrilya won the Il-2 Championship at the Moscow MAKS Aeroshow. It was a tough time with little sleep - and maybe a little too much beer – but he came out of the carnage as No.1! Congratulations to our own, VikS!!!

14 November 2000  Privet!
This is the site of the 5th Guards Fighter Air Regiment, a unit that is planning on participating extensively with the upcoming game from Russia, Oleg's Sturmovik! Finally, enthusiasts of the Russian front air war will have a game of their own, a place where one can patrol the skies over the steppes of Russia, in search of the German invaders. While this unit has been operational in Aces High, an online sim from HTC, we have decided to adopt Sturmovik as our official game. We will still represent those squadmates who fly in Aces High, but our main focus will be Sturmovik from this point forward.

© 2000-2005 Greg Leon Guerrero & 5GvIAP_Sokol

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